If you want to lose body fat and build an hourglass body, then the scale is not going to tell you the entire picture when it comes to measuring your progress.
There are many ways to measure progress, and if you are still looking at the scale as the only way to know if you are losing body fat, then you are looking at the wrong data.
Now, before I go any further and you start getting all upset with me like, “How can she say that?”, I need to explain a few things.
There is a difference between fat loss and weight loss.
Fat loss = you lose body fat.
Weight loss = you lose body fat and muscle.
The goal should always be to lose body fat and not muscle. The super goal should be to lose body fat and gain lean muscle. This is how you build an hourglass body.
The reason this is so important is because if you only look at the scale, it’s possible that you can lose WEIGHT but actually increase your BODY FAT PERCENTAGE.
That’s not a good place to be since you’ll look worse than you did when you started.
Now, if you grew up in the era that I grew up in, the 70s and 80s, it was all about cutting calories and doing a lot of aerobics/cardio. Do you remember the 20-minute workout? (I remember doing this at home when I was 12-13 years old.)
This was also the era of time where the focus was to be so skinny. I remember looking at the cover of magazines and seeing how skinny all these women were, and I would admire how great they looked. Now, I look back and think about how unhealthy they look.
Here is the thing, times have changed, and we are educating women that it’s not about being skinny; it’s about being strong and building a strong hourglass body.
It’s about having a healthy body fat % and building lean muscle.
This not only ensures you look good, but you are also healthy (say hello to mobility as you age and being strong enough to be able to travel so you can put your carry-on in the overhead bin without asking for help).
Since the approach has now shifted, well, the way we measure progress has also shifted.
How we measure progress with our clients is through photos, measurements, how their clothes look and feel, and very last is the scale.
Here is why. If you are on a fat loss journey and you are also lifting weights, you may lose 10 lbs of fat and gain 6 lbs of muscle and only see a 4 lb difference on the scale.
This is exactly what happened to one of our clients that graduated from our Frenza Fit 1:1 coaching program, and she had the data to prove it. She got a DEXA scan, which is a scan that provides you with an in-depth analysis of your fat tissue, lean mass, and bone density.
Here is why I am so excited about this text, this client initially came to us because she wanted to lose weight.
She thought the scale would be the only way she would measure progress. However, we educated her on the real way to measure progress, and she not only saw it in photos, but now she had the actual data to see that she gained muscle and lost body fat.
You see, body composition is so important when it comes to transforming your body. You can lose weight and look skinny fat, or you can lose body fat and build muscle and look amazing in all the clothes that you wear.
If your goal is to look toned, defined, and have an hourglass shape, the approach needs to be different, as well as how you measure progress.
If you want to hear more about how our client transformed her body by building muscle, you can watch the replay of a live client interview in our my private Facebook Group
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