She ate rice and potatoes and lost 19 lbs. & 25 inches

“I can’t believe that I can eat all the food and I still lost weight.  I don’t feel guilty eating rice or potatoes.   I am eating 3 meals a day instead of fasting for half of the day and it is just a game changer…. it’s a lifestyle change and it’s sustainable.

I would always say to my husband ‘No I can’t have potatoes’ and he is just amazed how happy I am.   I’m in a great place,  I look forward to my meals instead of worrying about what I need to eat and I don’t have the Cravings I used to have.”  

This is a quote from our 63 year old client Elaine who spent 2 years doing intermittent fasting because this is what she saw all over social media as what you should do if you want to lose weight.   

She spent 2 years not eating until 11 am or later and this is how her day would eventually go: 

She would try to be good all day and not eat any rice, potatoes and bread because again social media said that carbs are bad so she tried to avoid that as well.  

She would eat maybe 2 meals per day.  

Her cravings got so intense by the evening that she would end up binging on chips and candy several days out of the week.   

Yet despite her doing what she thought she was supposed to be doing, she saw no weight loss.   

She was frustrated, had very low energy levels and really felt stuck as she did not know what to do.  

You see the root cause with Elaine was that she was not eating the right amount of calories per day that would help her actually lose weight.  

Even though she was fasting, she was still eating in maintenance calories and maybe even over maintenance calories during the week which prevented her from losing weight.   

In addition to that, the quality of food that she was eating was not supporting her fat loss goals.  

She was not eating enough protein which is key to losing body fat and helping you stay full and satiated.   

To truly transform yourself and reach your fitness goals, you have to be consuming the right amount of calories and macronutrients for your goals.  

After seeing all of our client transformations, Elaine reached out to us for help as she was so frustrated that whatever she was doing was not working.  

We quickly identified the root causes of what was holding her back and we addressed this as we took her through our Frenza Fit Hourglass body 1:1 Coaching program.   

Here is exactly how we helped her lose 19 lbs. And 25 inches 

Phase 1 – Restore

During this phase we restored her metabolic health and hormonal health.   Why did we do this?   We know that 94% of the population has metabolic dysfunction and Elaine was showing all the symptoms: low energy levels, constant cravings, always hungry, and trouble sleeping.  

As we removed stress from her body and improved her metabolic health, we also helped her create solid nutrition & exercise habits that would set her up for the next phase of our program.   

The outcome of this phase is that she had so much more energy, no cravings, and she got stronger.   

Phase 2 – LEAN OUT 

This second phase was all about helping her lose body fat and her body was so responsive to this because we set up her metabolism in phase 1 so that her body effortlessly let go of body fat.  

Now at Frenza fit, we are not going to only help you lose body fat we ensure that as you lose body fat we are also helping you create a beautiful hourglass figure.   No one leaves our program looking skinny fat.  They leave looking toned, defined, and strong no matter what age they are.   

Now Elaine is at the end of phase 2 of our program and we are about to enter into phase 3.  

Phase 3 – Sustain  

This is where we teach Elaine how to have complete lifestyle integration.  She is going to learn what her maintenance food portions look like and how she can start intuitively eating.    

We will set her up with a solid plan (that she gets to practice with us) so that she knows how to maintain this for the rest of her life.    

She will graduate from our program knowing how to do this forever and she will have forever results.  

If you are sitting here reading this and can relate to Elaine’s story as you think rice, potatoes and bread are bad but yet even though you avoid them you still feel stuck, then our program may be the right fit for you.  

If you want to find out more, simply reply back to this email with “interested” and I will respond back asking to have a quick conversion with you to see if our program would be a good fit.  

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